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Touch Screen,Digitizers and Digital Cameras

Touch Screen
Touch screen input method utilizes the technology of a touch sensitive screen.When the user touches the screen,the computer detects the position of the finger and responds accordingly. Touch screens are mostly used in public places like in banking halls,hotels,in airports(to provide guidance information)


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A digitiser or a graphic tablet is almost similar to alight pen but instead it has a graphic tablet on which the user writes on using a device similar to a pen,called a stylus. .As the stylus moves on the tablet,its drawing is directly reflected on the screen. Digitisers are mostly used for architectural and engineering designs.

Digital cameras
A digital camera stores its images in digital form.These images can then be streamed (entered)directly into a computer for editing or printing by connecting the camera to a computer using a special cable. As with the ordinary camera,there are two types of digital cameras : One that takes still images i.e. photographs and another that takes motion pictures (video).