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When two waves from a coherent source are traveling in the same region they superimpose on each other resulting in interference of waves.Interference is the   of waves traveling in the space region of space. there are two types of interference namely and destructive interference.

Constructive interference occur when the two waves are and result in a wave of a .

Destructive interference occur when the two waves are and they cancel each others effect resulting into a wave of amplitude or no wave at all.

The conditions for interference to occur are that the two waves must be coming from source and must be propagating in the same of space

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  1. what are the conditions for constructive interference to occur?


 waves must be out of phase

Waves must have different frequencies

Waves must be in phase and traveling in the same region

There must be a minimum of 4 waves traveling in the same region of space


2, What changes occur when a wave undergoes constructive interference?


The wave length of the wave increases

The frequency of the wave is reduced

The periodic time increases

The amplitude increases


3.  What are the conditions for interference to occur?


Waves must be from a coherent source and traveling in the same region

The two waves one must be incident wave and the other are reflected wave

They must be moving in different mediums of different optical densities

They must spread into the sorrounding

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