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There are two types of Polymerization; addition Polymerization and  Polymerization

Addition Polymerization is the process where small unsaturated monomer (alkene) molecules join together to form a large saturated molecule called (Polyalkene). Only undergo addition Polymerization.

 Addition polymers are named from the alkene/monomer making the polymer by adding the prefix “poly” before the name of the monomer to form a polyalkene. Eg. Styrene forms while  forms polytetrafluoroethene, vinylchloride forms polyvinylchloride, e.t.c. e.t.c. 

Condensation Polymerization is where two or more small, different monomers join together to form a larger molecule by of a simple molecule, (usually water or ).

Condensation polymers acquire a name from the monomers they are made from as the two monomers are two different compounds.

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Polypropene is an addition polymer formed when molecule/monomer join together to form a large molecule/polymer at high and pressure. During Polymerization, many are brought nearer to each other by the .

is another addition polymer formed when chloroethene molecule/monomer join together to form a large molecule/polymer at high temperatures and pressure. 

The commercial name of polychloroethene is (PVC).

It is a tough, non-transparent and durable plastic. PVC is used in making   pipes.

     Polyphenylethene is yet another addition polymer formed when phenylethene molecule/monomer join together to form a large molecule/polymer at high temperatures and pressure. 

The commercial name of polyphenylethene is . It is a very light durable plastic. 

It is used mainly in making material for delicate items like computers, radios,calculators and other gadgets.

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