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The judiciary

The Judiciary consists of the Judges of the Superior Courts, Magistrates and other Judicial Officers and staff.

There is also the office of:

  • The Chief Justice, who is the Head of the Judiciary.

David Maraga the current Chief Justice

  • The Deputy Chief Justice, who is the Deputy Head of the Judiciary.

Philomena Mwilu the current D.C.J

  • The court system of Kenya is classified into two
  1. The Superior Courts which include:

The Supreme Court

Supreme court in Nairobi

The Court of Appeal

The High Court

High Court in Milimani

  1. Subordinate courts: which include

The Magistrate Courts

The Kadhis’ Courts

The Court Martial

a court martial in progress

The role of judiciary

Ensure that justice is done to all, irrespective of their status.

See that justice is not delayed

Guarantee that alternative forms of disputes resolution including arbitration, reconciliation, mediation and traditional forms of solving disputes are promoted.

Ensure that justice is administered in the correct procedure

Ensure that the constitution is protected and promoted