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Reading Activity

The legislature

It consists of two houses namely Senate and National Assembly

  1. The senate consists of:

47 ELECTED MEMBERS each representing a county (MCA)

16 women nominated by political parties

2 members (a man and a woman) representing the youths

2 members (a man and a woman) representing persons with disabilities

The speaker who is an ex officio member

Kenneth Lusaka the current senate speaker

  1. The national assembly consists of:

290 elected members each representing one of the 290 constituencies

47 elected Women Representatives, one from the 47 counties

12 Nominated Members, nominated by political parties according to their representation in the house

The speaker of the National Assembly who is an ex officio member

Justin Muturi the current national assembly speaker

What are the roles of the speaker in parliament?

  • Take 5 minutes to write your on the exercises response before clicking on the feedback.