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(a)   Use the best alternative to fill in the gaps in the passage below.

                Remote sensing can be defined as the science (i)__________ (and / or ) art of obtaining information (ii)________(of / about) an object, area (iii)___________(and / or) phenomenon through the analysis (iv)_____________ (by / with / of) data acquired (v)____________ (by / through) a device that is not in contact with the object, area or phenomenon (vi)____________ (on / under / about) investigation .

               Early advances (vii) ____________ (of / in) remote sensing  (viii) ___________

(includes / include) aerial photography which has, overtime, advanced to now encompass state (ix) ____________ (of / on) the art space borne remote sensors or satellites.  Remote sensing can be broadly categorized as (x)_____________(either / neither) active or passive.