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Lesson Development

Activity 1:Definition

Ø  An agenda is the list of activities in a meeting and the order in which they should be taken up.

Ø  Any organized meeting requires a well written agenda.

Ø  If the agenda is not clearly written, the result will be that the meeting will become over-long, inefficient, or even slog.

Ø  Agenda is written and handed to the members participating in a meeting prior to the meeting.

Ø  Most secretaries prefer including the agenda in the notice of meetings.


Activity 2:Steps to Writing an Agenda

(i)                 Write the name of the institution. If possible, have a the institution letterhead.

(ii)               Give your agenda a title. Write “AGENDA”, “MEETING” and the name of the group to hold the meeting.

(iii)             Include the date, time, and venue of the meeting.

(iv)              Introduce your agenda.

(v)                List the items to be discussed. Start with preliminaries, then reading and confirmation of previous minutes, followed by matters arising(some people write: unfinished business), then list all the other items to be discussed. From there add “any other business” and lastly, “adjournment”.

Activity 3:Sample

                         NIPE NIKUPE MUSLIM BOYS’ HIGH SHOOL

                                   AGENDA OF THE MEETING OF SCOUTS CLUB


TIME: 9.00 AM



There will be the second meeting of the year with the following items to be discussed:

·         Preliminaries

·         Reading and confirmation of previous minutes

·         Matters arising

·         Camping trip

·         Planting flowers

·         Any other business

·         Adjournment



Denis Benjam