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Lesson Development

Activity 1:Definition

Ø  A collective noun is a word for a group of specific things or people regarded as an entity.

Ø   Collective nouns are grouped under three categories:

i.                    Category of people

ii.                  Category of animals

iii.                Category of things

Activity 2: Category of People

The collective used here are:

v  An audience of listeners

v  A babble of barbers

v  A bench of bishops

v  A blush of boys

v  A promise of barmen

v  A board of directors

v  A class of students

v  An army of soldiers

v  A band of musicians

v  A bunch of crooks

v  A cast of actors/players (also a company or cry of)

v  A choir of singers

v  A crew of sailors

v  A crowd of people/ spectators

v  A flock of tourists

v  A gang of labourers

v  A gang of thieves

v  A goring of butchers

v  A group of dancers

v  A pack of thieves

v  A panel of experts

v  A regiment of soldiers

v   A staff of employees

v  A tabernacle of bakers

v  A team of players

v  A thought of barons

v  A tribe of natives

v  A troop of boy scouts

v  A troupe of artists/dancers

Activity 3:Category of Animals

Those used for animals include:

v  An army of ants

v  A catch of fish

v  A drove of goats/bullocks

v  A fall of lambs

v  A flight of birds

v  A flock of birds

v  A flock of sheep

v  A haul of fish

v  A herd of buffaloes/cattle/deer/elephants/goats

v  A hive of bees

v  A host of sparrows

v  A kennel of dogs

v  A knot of frogs

v  A litter of cubs

v  A litter of kittens/puppies

v  A murder of crows

v  A pack of wolves

v  A pack of hounds

v  A swarm of bees/flies

v  A team of horses

v  A team of ducks/horses/oxen

v  A tribe of goats

v  A troop of lions/monkeys

v  A zoo of wild animals


Activity 4:Category of Things

v  An album of autographs/photographs/stamps

v  An anthology of poems/stories

v  A basket of fruits

v  A bowl of rice

v  A bouquet of flowers

v  A bunch of keys

v  A chest of drawers

v  A cloud of dust

v  A convoy of lorries

v  A fleet of ships/lorries

v  A forest of trees  (also; stand, clump, grove of)

v  A galaxy of stars

v  A group of islands

v  A hedge of bushes

v  A library of books

v  A nest of rumours

v  A pack of cards

v  A pack of lies

v  A pair of shoes

v  A range of mountains

v  A rouleau of coins

v  A stack of wood

v  A string of pearls

v  A wad of notes