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What name is given to a group of:

  1. Writers
  2. Widows
  3. Witches
  4. Tailors
  5. Judges
  6. Grammarians
  7. Shoemakers
  8. Girl guides
  9. Foresters
  10. Prisoners
  11. Preachers
  12. Candidates
  13. Matrons
  14. Magistrates
  15. Lawyers

Write the collective nouns of the following words.


A         pride    of lions.

  1. A___________of dogs.
  2. A___________of goats.
  3. A___________of locusts.
  4. A____________of fish.
  5. A____________of chicken.
  6. A____________of ants.
  7. A_____________of birds.
  8. A_____________of bees.
  9. A____________of cattle.
  10. A____________of players.