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Cloze Activity

Read the paragraph on the steps involved in fractional distallation below and fill in the missing words.


Air is a mixture of nitrogen, , carbon (IV) oxide, noble gases and water vapour. These gases can be obtained by of liquid air.

Air is puified by passing it through

Carbon (IV) Oxide gas is removed by passing the air through Concentrated solution

The remaining air is condensed to about -25 degree centrigrades to remove which solidifies out as ice

The air is compressed to about atmospheres. The cooled compressed air is allowed to expand rapidly. This process is repeated until all the air liquidifies

The liquified air is then passed into the containing compartments

Each compartment is slightly at a higher temperature than the one above it. The components of the liquid air then separated according to their

distills off first because it has a lower boiling point of -196 degrees centrigrade followed by at -186 degree centrigrade and finally at -183 degree centigrade.

Liquid Oxygen is transported in large insulated metal tanks.


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