Study the diagram below Read the passage below and fill in the missing words. Following meiosis I, the daughter cells enter meiosis II without passing through Cloze (1): JXUwMDMxJXUwMDA3JXUwMDFhJXUwMDExJXUwMDE3JXUwMDAyJXUwMDE4JXUwMDA5JXUwMDEyJXUw MDE2 or replicating their DNA. Meiosis II resembles a mitotic division, except that the chromosome number has been reduced by half. Thus, the products of meiosis II are four Cloze (2): JXUwMDMwJXUwMDA5JXUwMDExJXUwMDFjJXUwMDAzJXUwMDA2JXUwMDBk cells that contain a single copy of each chromosome. In mammals, the number of viable gametes obtained from Cloze (3): JXUwMDM1JXUwMDA4JXUwMDBjJXUwMDA2JXUwMDFjJXUwMDFhJXUwMDFh differs between males and females. In males, four haploid spermatids of similar size are produced from each spermatogonium. Enable JavaScript intephase haploid meiosis