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Activity 1

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Temporary stitches

These are stitches which are used to hold the work temporarily together i.e. hems, seams and darts. Examples are tacking, basting, thread marking and tailor tacking stitches.

Permanent stitches

These are worked out to hold the work permanently.   Examples are:-

(i)   Joining stitches

They include running, backstitch, oversewing, machine stitches and faggoting.

(iij Stitches for neatening raw edges

Examples include:- loop stitch or blanket stitch, button hole stitch, overcastting, machining and overlock.   Some are used for holding down folded edges such as hemming.

jiii) Decorative or embroidery stitches

Exanples include chain stitch, satin stitch, stem stitch, French knot, shell edging, pin stitch, lazy daisy stitch, cross stitch.

  1. Differentiate temporary stitches from permanent stitches.
  2. Write down four temporary stitches.
  3. State three groups of permanent stitches and give three examples in each.
  4. Give two reasons for using a thimble when stitching.
  5. Explain five points to consider when working out permanent stitches.
  • Take 5 minutes to write your on the exercises response before clicking on the feedback.