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Lesson Development

Activity 1:Definition

An autobiography is the history/ story of a person written by that person. The authors of autobiographies describe events and people they think influenced their lives.  They are based on facts and are therefore referred to as non-fiction.


1. Date of birth

2. Place of birth

3. Early childhood

4. Schools attended

5. Favourite subjects

6. Interests in life and dreams

7. Sports and hobbies

8. Memorable events in your life

9. Careers

10. Family members

11. Where you lived

The author describes events in the order in which they occurred. Interesting details are highlighted, often humorous stories to enliven the piece of writing.

Auto biographers write to justify their lives—what they have done. They look at themselves as people who have lived interesting and important lives. They are characters in their own works. They select events and details they serve to embrace their artistic purpose of the work, namely making an important statement about life.