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Identify three collective nouns in the passage below..

Today is my mom's birthday. Last night my dad still didn't have a present to give her, so he asked me what he should get her. "How about a deck of cards?" I suggested. My dad said we already had enough of those at home. "Wouldn't mom like to have an orchestra of musicians play her music, maybe even

surprise her at work?" was my next idea. Dad just shook his head and thought some more. In the end, he bought her a huge, beautiful bouquet of flowers. Mom loved them!

DropDown Activity

Read and complete with relevant collective nouns

I've been having some very interesting dreams lately. The dream I had last night was definitely the most bizarre, though! First of all, I walked into my classroom to find a full of adults, not kids like me! After the bell rang, of fans ran through the hallways yelling, "School is fun! School is awesome!"

A p of ten principals politely asked the of fans to leave the school after that. Lastly, the day ended with a l of judges giving grades to all of the adult students. I'm really glad my dreams are just dreams!

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