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Reading Activity

When using multiple adjectives in a sequence, you must be aware of the correct adjective order.  The proper order of adjectives is listed below along with some examples for each category.

The adjectives can be divided into two:

Opinion adjective - The depend on a persons point of view on some. Examples include ;beautiful , comfortable ,funny,delicious, interesting etc some type of food might be tasty to you but nasty to some else. It depends on their opinion. opinion adjectives usually go before facts adjectives.

Fact adjectives - They give factual information about nouns. size, age, shape, colour, origine, material, purpose are fact adjectives. Commas should be used to separate the different adjectives

Place the following adjectives in their correct order

1. A_______________________________________ (delicious, chocolate, round) cake.

2. A pair of __________________________________(leather, smart, brown) boots.

3. A_________________________________________ Chinese, white,small, beautiful) computer.

4. A ____________________________(white ,china, nice, square,big,old) plate.