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Lesson Development

Activity 1: The Active Voice

Ø  A sentence can either have a verb in active form or passive form.

Active Voice

Ø  In a sentence with an active verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.

Ø  Here is a sentence where the subject is performing the verb’s acton.

James is writing the notes.

James is the subject doing the action “writing”.

  Since the subject James does the action, the sentence is said to be in the active voice.

More Examples

  1. Richard locked the door.
  2. Akoth painted the room.
  3. He is buying the phone.

Activity 2: Passive Voice

Ø  A normal order of many active sentences can be changed, such that the subject is no longer active.

Ø  In the case above, the subject is being acted upon by the verb.

Ø  Here is an example for you:

The notes were written by James.

  The subject is the notes.

  it is passive as it is acted upon by the verb.

  Since the subject is being acted upon, the sentence is said to be in a passive voice.

More Examples

  1. The door was locked.
  2. The room was painted by Akoth.
  3. The phone is being bought by him.

Activity 3:Changing a Sentence from Active Voice to Passive Voice

Follow the steps below in order to change the sentence from active to passive voice:

  Move the active sentence’s direct object in the subject’s slot.

  Place the active sentence’s subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition “by” .

Add a form of the auxiliary verb “be” to the main verb and change the main verb’s form.