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Physical parts of a computer

  • A desktop computer is made up of a collection of different components that are interconnected in order to function as a single entity.
  • A typical desktop computer is basically made up of a system unit and other devices connected to the system unit called peripheral devices.
  • Examples of peripheral devices include;
  • monitor also known as screen,
  • keyboard 

System Unit

  • This is the part that houses the brain of a computer called the central processing unit (CPU).
  • The system unit also houses other devices called drives. Drives are used to store, record and read data.

Peripheral devices

  • Peripheral devices are connected to the system unit using special cables Called interface cables that transmit data and information to and from the devices.
  • The cables are attached to the system unit through connectors called ports.


  • A keyboard is the most common peripheral device that enables a user to enter data and instructions to a computer.


  • A mouse is a pointing device that enables the user to execute commands.
  • It is used to control an arrow displayed on the screen. To execute a command the user moves the mouse which consequently moves the pointer on the screen.


  • A monitor or simply the screen is a television- like device used for displaying information. It is called a monitor because it enables the user to monitor or see what is going on in the computer.

summary of the physical parts that make up acomputer