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Activity 1

Reading Activity

Energy given off spontaneously from the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear radiation.

Elements that emit radiation are said to be radioactive.

Radiation is a form of energy that we get from natural and human-made sources.

Isotopes that are not stable become stable by spontaneously emitting radiation from their nuclei.

This is radioactive decay.

Isotopes that emit radiation are also called radioisotopes.

All the isotopes of elements with atomic number 83 and higher are radioactive.

  • Forms of Radiation
  • The first three forms of nuclear radiation that were discovered are the following:
    • The positively charged alpha (a) particle.
    • The negatively charged beta (b) particle.
    • The neutral gamma (g) ray
  • There are two other less common forms:
    • The positron.
    • The neutron (no charge).

What is the symbol and charge of different forms of radiations?

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