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Cloze Activity

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

Characteristics of Underdevelopment

·         . This is characterized by most of the people in the country depending on mainly subsistence, or lives below the poverty levels. Their per capita income is lower as compared to the developed countries

·         . The income in this countries are not evenly distributed with the few rich people earning so much while the poor majority earns so little

·         . They have very little if at all exist to save and invest for their further development, making them to continue being poor. This is well illustrated in the vicious circle of poverty

·         . This is due to some of them not being able to afford, ignorant about or simply refusing to use the modern birth control methods since they find consolation on their high number of children

·         . This is due to their inability to raise capital for indirect production

·         The high population growth rate leads to high supply of labour that the country’s economy cannot afford to absorb all, leading to unemployment

·         . This may be due to lack of capital in this countries or in appropriate technology they use

·         . This is due to their in ability to sustain themselves financially, which makes them keep on calling upon the developed partners for financial assistance

·         . Their roads and communication networks are not properly maintained due to the in availability of adequate resources to improve them

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