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Activity 2

Case Study

It is important for any business enterprise to prepare the trading, profit and loss accounts inorder to know if the business is operating at a profit or loss.

The information below was obtained from the books of Wakesho traders as at 31st March 1992.

Cash in hand   sh. 20,000

Cash at bank   sh. 165,000

Current liabilities sh. 350,000

Sales     sh. 460,000

Stock April 1, 1991 sh. 75,000

Stock March 31, 1992 sh. 365,000

The firms’ gross profit margin is calculated at 25% and trading expenses at 15% of sales.

From following information, determine

a. Gross profit


 b. Cost of goods sold


c. Purchases for the year


 d.Net profit

The following information relates to Wambui Traders for the year 1996.

Turnover  Sh. 270,000

Margin  40%

Rate of turnover 6 times

Expenses Sh. 40,000


a.Gross profit


 b.Cost of goods sold


 c. Net profit


 d. Average stock

The following information extracted from the books of Swafo Traders on 30th September 1998.

Purchases  sh. 190,550

Opening stock  sh. 35,500

Closing stock Sh. 25,000

Sales  sh. 256,050

Sales returns  sh. 4,800


a.Cost of goods sold



 b.Percentage of gross profit to net sales

The following information relates to Demba stores for the period ended 31st October 1993.

Opening stock  sh. 25,000

Closing stock sh. 46,000

Sales for the year sh. 369,000

Rate of stock turnover 8 times


a. Cost of sales


 b. Purchases

 c. Gross profit