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Cloze Activity

Fill in the missing words.

Q1. The state of being involved in an economically gainful activity is called

Q2. refers to being in business by self or with others to earn income.

Q3. What is the correct term that describes a situation that occurs when all people who are capable and willing to work are employed except for those who are temporarily out of work? 

Q4. An involuntary idleness of a person willing to work at the existing rates of pay but unable to find work is known as 

Q5.The type of unemployment that exists when potential workers are not willing to accept the current wag e is called

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DropDown Activity

Read and complete

  unemployment  is a type of employment that occurs due to alternating periods of boom and depression in a business cycle. A situation where the workers' capabilities are not fully utilized results to unemployment. Where the demand for labour in particular industries falls drastically until the next peak season creates unemployment. When there is invention of new technology which requires fewer workers than before , there arises unemployment. unemployment results from lack of jobs , where people are wiling to work but work is not available.

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True-False Question

Tick whether true or false

Question 1

Residual unemployment occurs by virtue of some physical or mental disability.

Question 2

Casual unemployment affects industries whose demand for labour is regular.

Question 3

For full employment to be achieved, all sectors(private and public) should have adequate expenditure to create demand for goods and services.

Question 4

Immobility of labour and capital as factors of production will lead to achievement of full employment.



The following factors cause structural unemployment. Which one is not?


Changes in consumer demand pattern.

Lack of co-operation in the factors of production.

Physical and mental disability

Population growth

Government economic policies

Faster rate of technological change.

Mismatch between people's skills and the skills required in the jobs
