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Activity 1

Reading Activity

(i) Kiosks

These are small shops or structures found mostly in residential areas, busy streets, highly populated areas or inside building where people pass by or work.

They deal in fast-moving items and groceries such as; sodas, cakes, sweets, cigarettes, and newspapers e.t.c. some kiosks also sell food

(ii) Market stalls

These are permanent stands found in market places, especially those operated by the various local authorities

They are of different designs depending on the goods they sell or services they offer.

They are rented or leased by individuals from local authorities

They deal in fast moving household goods though some may specialize in other products such as clothing and shoes.

Examples are stalls at Muthurwa markets, Kariokor, and most municipal markets.

(iii) Single shops (unit shops)

Single shops are mostly located in the trading or market centres in rural areas or in the residential areas of high towns

They are operated from fixed premises

They are usually run by one person who may get assistance from him/her family or employ attendance

Some deal in one line of commodity such as household stuff, clothing, groceries or electronics

(iii) Tied shops

These are shops that mainly sell the products of one particular manufacture or are owned by a specific supplier of certain goods. The shops are owned or controlled by the manufacturer, and are thus tied to the manufacture.

The manufacture/supplier designs the organization of the shop and its appearance e.g painting.Hence they look alike. The supplier closely supervises the shops.

Examples of tide shops include; Bata shops which sell shoes made by Bata Company, petrol station like National, Kobil, and total e.t.c

(iv) Canteens

These are retail shops found in institutions such as schools, colleges, hospitals and army barracks.

They stock a variety of consumable goods such as sodas, bread, tea, groceries and other things used by the people in that institution.

They are run by the institutions management or by individuals on retail business

Most of them operate without a license as they are considered to be part of the institution.

Their hours of operation are sometimes regulated by the institution   

(v) Automatic vending machines

These are coin or card operated machines used to sell commodities like drinks, stamps, and snacks e.t.c.

Examples are coffee shops, ATM’s e.t.c


They dispense goods or services once a coin or a card is inserted and instructions keyed in.

They operate without an attendant

They are usually placed at strategic places such as busy streets, office buildings, shopping centres and hospitals.

(vi) Mobile shops

Mobile shops, like itinerant traders, move from town to town or village to village selling their goods.

They have vehicles that they have converted into a shop from which customers can buy their goods

Highlight five examples of small scale retailers with shops.