Reading Activity
- is highly vascularised/spongy made up of spongy tissue
- at time of sexual activity, the penis erectsby having the spaces in its spongy tissue filled with blood,this enables it to penetrate the vagina during coitus.
- contains the testes hangs outside the body to provide it with a cooler enviroment for sperm production.
- testis
- it is made up of highly coiled tubes known as the seminiferous tubules
- the lining which contain actively dividing cells which give rise to sperms.
- it contain the interstitial cells that produce the androgen hormones.
- long and coiled for the purpose of sperm storage
Vas deferens
- muscular
- upon contraction pushes sperms out and allows ejaculation
- produced in large numbers to increase chances of fertilization
- the sperms have a tail for swimming/large number of mitochondria to provide energy/allow swimming to reach the egg
Accessory glands
- are seminal vesicle, produce alkaline fluid which contain nutrients for spermatozoa
- Cowper’s gland,produce alkaline fluid that neutralises the acidity along the urethra
- and prostate gland secretes the alkaline fluid that neutralizes vaginal fluid ,it also activate the sperms.